Below is a portfolio of recent student work including responses to four select assignments.

Positionality Potluck

Ethics of Representation: 3rd and 4th year critical studies course

In this assignment, students and teachers alike had to develop and present a dish based on personal research in order to acknowledge the different perspectives brought into the room. One of the learning outcomes was to catapult ourselves into an engaged learning community by delving into our cultural, ethnic, familial, and embodied knowledges as they differ and compare to those around us. Short presentations and recipe cards accompanied our shared meal.

A Long Walk and a Hidden Scene

Foundations Creative Processes Studio


Space Traders

Foundations Creative Processes Studio

The Secret Life of…

Students were assigned to bring to life a story of the secret life of a particular object or phenomenon through three periods or stages in time. The goal was insightful, critical and contextual understandings of the chosen subject and it's changing social, political, conceptual, cultural and/or environmental relationships in the world. The outcome was to be a 4 minute expressive video, animation, or performative presentation.

The stories revealed hidden or taken-for-granted understandings of ongoing phenomena and experiences while challenging our understandings of how we are in the world as designers, consumers', individuals and members of communities.

The Secret Life of International Students in Covid-19 Pandemic

By Sherlly Han and Jessica Huang 2021

“Based on our own experience, the video described the life of Asian international student in Canada from the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic till now. Away from family and friends, being trapped in a foreign country and facing the one of the most dangerous pandemic, how will a international student struggled through it?”

The Secret Life of Languages

by Aily Nishioka, Claire Ko, Paula Torres, Clara Ngie, and Lanna Yang

What languages do you know? Exploring the complex system of languages, from modes of human communication to fungi, this film reflects not only the diversity within our (human) languages, but also examines our capacity to form new methods of understanding amidst other-than-human systems.”